
Davinci resolve system requirements 15
Davinci resolve system requirements 15

This allows the flexibility to let customers potentially choose to use a Windows desktop computer in the office with powerful multiple GPU processing, while at any time the customer can unplug the dongle and plug into one of the latest stylish Mac OS X MacBook Pro computers when on set. When a customer purchases DaVinci Resolve, they can choose which operating system they want to use, and then install either one. When the public beta program is complete, and DaVinci Resolve for Microsoft Windows™ is formally released, it will be accompanied by the Mac OS X version. This new DaVinci Resolve for Windows beta will allow customers to use a wide range of hardware for building color correction systems with the advantage of a wider selection of GPU processing options with support for up to 4 GPU’s per system.

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The DaVinci Resolve 8.2 for Windows license is included with the Mac OS X version, so all current Mac OS X customers automatically get a license for the Windows version, and can download it now to use in their facility. DaVinci Resolve for Windows public beta is available in both the full featured DaVinci Resolve 8.2 and free DaVinci Resolve Lite versions.

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Blackmagic Design today announced DaVinci Resolve 8.2 for Microsoft Windows™ public beta is now available for download.

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